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JCity Weekly / August 15, 2018

Writer's picture: Joyful City ChurchJoyful City Church

Updated: Feb 13, 2020

SERMON We Are 08: "We Are Worshippers Part One"

The sermon notes from We Are 08: "We Are Workers Part One" are now available.

Get the notes: Click Here

The sermon audio is now available on our podcast.

Listen to the Sermon: Soundcloud / iTunes



This Sunday will be our last day to register for Small Groups this upcoming term! We had a great registration this past Sunday with a bunch of people signing-up already! We hope that you will join them and sign-up this Sunday!

We're excited for this new term of Small Groups as we believe God is going to do great things! We believe being part of a Small Group can make a big impact on your spiritual growth and is also real important for being part of the church. It is a time to connect with others and be both blessed by and be a blessing to one another!

Registration: Sun. Aug 19

Small Groups Start: Sun, Sept 2

Small Group Term: Sep (9ì›”) - Dec (12ì›”)

If you have questions please contact Eunji Kim at:



YA2 (Young Adults 2) will be having a community gathering on Aug.26th! It's going to be a "tea party" themed great time of hanging out and getting to know one another!

When: Sun, Aug 26th / 3pm

Where: Donkey Station Main Hall

Who: Singles, 29+ (Western Age) aka singles born on or before 1990

Food: Light food/snacks

If you have questions please contact either:

Kris Austin at:

Eunji Kim at:



Please come to service tomorrow dressed and ready to stay cool as the air conditioning system in Covenant Hall is unable to keep up with increasing hot weather. The weather looks to be hotter tomorrow then last week so be sure to prepare yourself (and your family) accordingly!

We want to thank you all again for your patience and cooperation during this time. Seeing everyone maintain a positive attitude is very encouraging and is so awesome as we makes the best of the situation all together. If anything, more than just the singing, it is this kind of unity of heart and mind that is true worship!



We have a weekly gathering every Tuesday night at Covenant Hall from 8-10pm centered around Bible Study and fellowship! It is a great opportunity to hang out and get to know some of our church family as we move forward together in our knowledge of and love for our good, good Father!

WHEN: Every Tuesday, 8-10pm

WHERE: Covenant Hall

For more info or to ask questions, contact Maria Kim:



Here are are a few ways to connect with your Joyful City Church community throughout the week to stay up to date with news, announcements and other great resources!

KAKAO PLUS FRIEND: If you use Kakao Talk, this is the best way to stay connected and get the latest news and content from Joyful City. Through Plus Friend, you will get access to our Kakao Plus Friend homepage as well as direct messages sent straight to your Kakao! Once you add us, be sure to check out the homepage regularly for updates!


- To Add Directly Now: Click the following link to be taken straight to our Kakao Plus Friends Homepage. Once you are there, click on "add friend" (Because Kakao Plus Friend is not in English yet, it will say: "친구추가"): Click Here

- To Add Through Your Kakao App: To find and add us through your Kakao Talk app, go to the "Friends" tab and type in "Joyful City Church" in the search menu at the top. Then be sure to hit "search" which will then bring up category tabs at the top. Select "Plus Friends" and you should be able to see our Joyful City Church Plus Friends account. Select it and add as a friend.

FACEBOOK COMMUNITY GROUP: If you are a part of Joyful City then come join our private Facebook Community Group dedicated to members of our community! Through this group you will get to connect with other members of Joyful City on Facebook. As well, you will also have access to updates and other Joyful City related content!


- Log-in to Facebook

- In the search bar, type in "Joyful City Community" (There are other Joyful City Facebook accounts including our public page as well as our admin account, so be sure that you select the right account.)

- A search result saying "Joyful City Community (members only)" should pop in the results. Click on it and then request to be added.

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